Results for 'Christopher John O'callaghan'

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  1.  19
    Judging the accuracy of children's recall: A statement-level analysis.Christopher T. Ball & Janelle O'Callaghan - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (4):331.
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    Concepts, Mirrors, and Signification.John O’Callaghan - 2010 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (1):133-162.
    This article is a reply by the author to John Deely’s book review “How to Go Nowhere with Language: Remarks on John O’Callaghan, Thomist Realism and the Linguistic Turn” (ACPQ vol. 82, no. 2). Its main topics are: (i) Deely’s view that, for Aquinas, the concept is distinct from the act of understanding, (ii) John of St. Thomas’s use of mirror images as a metaphor for how concepts work in cognition, and (iii) the sign relation posited by (...)
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    (1 other version)Thomist Realism and the Linguistic Turn.John P. O'callaghan - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (218):122-124.
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    Philosophy after Christ.John O'Callaghan - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):49-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy after ChristJohn O'CallaghanConsider the words of Justin Martyr written in the middle of the second century after the birth of Christ and after Justin's conversion to Christianity:Philosophy is indeed one's greatest possession, and is most precious in the sight of God, to whom it alone leads us and to whom it unites us, and in truth they who have applied themselves to philosophy are holy men.1In addition to (...)
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    Are There Failed Persons?John O'Callaghan - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1123-1147.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Are There Failed Persons?John O'CallaghanIntroductionAre there failed persons? Yes. However, before explaining what a failed person is, it will be good to consider closely a very significant part of our society to get a sense of what it thinks a failed person is, since my account of what a failed person is is markedly different. It is important to think about the question of failed persons because there (...)
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  6. The Problem of Language and Mental Representation in Aristotle and St. Thomas.John P. O'Callaghan - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (3):499 - 545.
    Introduction. In the opening passages of his De interpretatione, Aristotle provides a simple summary of how he thinks language relates to the mind and the mind to reality, a sketch which has often been called his "semantic triangle." He writes.
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    The Plurality of Forms.John O’Callaghan - 2008 - Review of Metaphysics 62 (1):3-43.
    This paper responds to an argument of Hilary Putnam to the effect that the plurality of modern sciences shows us that any natural kind has a plurality of essences. In the past, he has argued that no system of representations, mental or linguistic, could have an intrinsic relationship to the world. Though he has granted that the Thomistic notion of form and its application to the identity of concepts may avoid these earlier objections, he has maintained that the advance of (...)
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    The Immaterial Soul and Its Discontents.John O'Callaghan - 2015 - Acta Philosophica 24 (1):43-66.
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    Verbum Mentis.John P. O’Callaghan - 2000 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 74:103-119.
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    More Words on the Verbum.John O’Callaghan - 2003 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 77 (2):257-268.
    In “Verbum Mentis: Theological or Philosophical Doctrine?” (Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, vol. 74, 2000), I argued against a common interpretation of Aquinas’s discussion of the verbum mentis. The common interpretation holds that the verbum mentis constitutes an essential part of Aquinas’s philosophical psychology. I argued, on the contrary, that it is no part of Aquinas’s philosophical psychology, but is a properly theological discussion grounded in the practice of scriptural metaphor, exemplified by such metaphors as “Christ is a (...)
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    The Identity of Knower and Known: Sellars’s and McDowell’s Thomisms.John O’Callaghan - 2013 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 87:1-30.
    Wilfrid Sellars’ engagement with Thomism in “Being and Being Known” is examined, specifically for his reformulation of the thesis that the mind in its mental acts is in some sense identical in form to the object known. Borrowing the notion of “isomorphism” from modern set theory, Sellars describes an identity of form between mind and world that is non-intentional in the “Realm of the Real,” while confining all questions of meaning and truth to the “Realm of the Intentional.” John (...)
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  12. Aquinas, Cognitive Theory, and Analogy.John P. O’Callaghan - 2002 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76 (3):451-482.
    Is it the case that God, human beings, and air all share the same capacity for cognition, differing only in the degree to which they engage in cognitive acts? Robert Pasnau has recently argued that according to St. Thomas Aquinas they do, a conclusion that for Pasnau follows straightforwardly from Aquinas’s discussion of God’s cognition in the first part of the Summa theologiae. Further, Pasnau holds that Aquinas’s relation to contemporary cognitive theory should be understood in light of the discussion (...)
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  13. Aquinas's rejection of mind, contra Kenny.John P. O'callaghan - 2002 - The Thomist 66 (1):15-59.
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    Concepts, Beings, and Things in Contemporary Philosophy and Thomas Aquinas.John O’Callaghan - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (1):69 - 98.
    IN THIS PAPER I WANT TO ADDRESS the metaphysical status of concepts in Thomas Aquinas. The need to do so is raised by contemporary criticism of Aristotelian reflections upon how language “hooks up with the world.” Many contemporary philosophers, following upon the later Wittgenstein think that in the opening passages of the De interpretatione Aristotle provides a very bad “theory” of semantic relations, when he sketches how words are related to things via the mind. It is a bad “theory” inasmuch (...)
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  15.  41
    Can We Demonstrate That “God Exists”?John O’Callaghan - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):619-644.
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    Epilogue: Reply to Michael S. Sherwin’s Response, “Painted Ladies and the Witch of Endor”.John O’Callaghan - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):653-658.
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    In Memoriam: Ralph McInerny (1929-2010).John O'Callaghan - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico 43 (98):407-410.
  18.  26
    Mercy Beyond Justice in advance.John O’Callaghan - forthcoming - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
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    (1 other version)Mercy Beyond Justice.John O’Callaghan - unknown - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association:31-53.
    Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice provides a dramatic setting for thinking about the relationship of mercy to justice, a topic of great concern to contemporary ethical and political thought. Traditionally classified as among Shakespeare’s comedies, the play can also be analyzed as a tragedy in which Shylock is the protagonist. The tragedy is driven by the relatively weak conception of mercy in relationship to justice that informs Portia’s famous soliloquy “the quality of mercy.... ” The mercy she praises is closely related (...)
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  20. Science, Philosophy, and Theology.John O'Callaghan (ed.) - 2014 - St. Augustine's Press.
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  21. Thomism and Analytic Philosophy: A Discussion.John O'callaghan - 2007 - The Thomist 71:269-317.
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  22. Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature: A Philosophical Study of Summa Theologiae Ia, 75-89 (review).John O'Callaghan - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (1):99-100.
    Pasnau sets the philosophy in the context of ancient and modern thought, looking at some of the most difficult areas of Aquinas's thought: the relationship of soul to body, workings of sense and intellect, will and passions, and personal identity.
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    Three Essays.Christopher S. Taylor, John O. Voll & W. Michael Reisman - 1990 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 2 (1):91-99.
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  24. Thomas Aquinas.Ralph McInerny & John O'Callaghan - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The Holiness of the Church in Lumen Gentium.Paul O'Callaghan - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (4):673-701.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE HOLINESS OF THE CHURCH IN LUMEN GENTIUM HE NOTION OF the Church as a smner, not often spoken of in Catholic theology of other times, has become quite common in recent years.1 Among the questions of a pastoral and theological nature that have given rise to it, the following may be noted: a) The ecumenical question. Many would wish the Church as such to accuse herself of sin, (...)
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    What the Writings of Fr. Ryan and Catholic Social Thought Say Concerning Modern Capitalism.William Van Lear, O. Christopher Kirchgessner & John Plecnik - 2013 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 10 (1):203-229.
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    Aristotle’s Theory of Language and Meaning. [REVIEW]John O’Callaghan - 2004 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78 (3):507-514.
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    Theories of Cognition in the Later Middle Ages. [REVIEW]John O’Callaghan - 2000 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):674-679.
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    The Threefold Cord. [REVIEW]John O'Callaghan - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (3):678-679.
    This work consists of two lecture series and two appendices broadly critical of analytic philosophy of mind, epistemology, and metaphysics. Despite the diversity of pieces, it is a good book and enjoyable to read. The overarching theme is the inseparable interweaving of the antinomies of metaphysical and epistemological realism and antirealism bequeathed to contemporary philosophy by early modern philosophy and the theory of ideas, antinomies Putnam would avoid by rejecting the underlying framework.
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    Pseudosex in Pseudotheology.Paul D. O'Callaghan - 1998 - Christian Bioethics 4 (1):83-99.
    John Beaumont has attempted to revitalize the official Roman Catholic position against the use of artificial contraception by reinvigorating the argument against such from natural law. Maintaining that sexual acts are essentially reproductive acts, he holds that the use of contraceptives by married couples reduces intercourse to the same moral level as homosexual acts. He further argues that acceptance of birth control has directly led to the legitimization of homosexual acts in American society. However, his analysis fails to distinguish (...)
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  31. Recovering Nature.Thomas Hibbs & John O'callaghan - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (204):403-405.
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    Sub-models for interactive unawareness.Simon Grant, J. Jude Kline, Patrick O’Callaghan & John Quiggin - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (4):601-613.
    We propose a notion of a sub-model for each agent at each state in the Heifetz et al. model of interactive unawareness. Presuming that each agent is fully cognizant of his sub-model causes no difficulty and fully describes his knowledge and his beliefs about the knowledge and awareness of others. We use sub-models to motivate the HMS conditions on possibility correspondences.
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    Recovering Nature: Essays in Natural Philosophy, Ethics, and Metaphysics in Honor of Ralph McInerny.Ralph McInerny, Thomas S. Hibbs & John O'Callaghan - 1999
    While many 20th-century fads in philosophy and theology have come and gone, McInerny's faith in Aristotelian-Thomism was boldly prophetic. His defenses of natural theology and law helped to create dialogue between theists and non-theists, and to provide a philosophical basis for Catholic theology.
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    Causal Cognition - A Multidsciplinary Debate, edited by Dan Sperber, David Premack and Ann James Premack.John Dillon, Daniela M. Bailer-Jones, Iseult Honohan, Brian Martine, John Biro, Christopher Adair-Toteff, Timothy O'Connor, Victor E. Taylor, Richard Rumana, Eileen Brennan & Julia Tanney - unknown
    The Morality of Happiness By Julia Annas, Oxford University Press, 1993. Pp. x + 502. ISBN 0–19–507999‐X. £45.00 (hbk), £13.99 (pbk).Dimensions of Creativity By Margaret A. Boden (ed.) MIT Press, 1994. Pp. 242. ISBN 0–262–02368–7. £24.95.Thomas Hobbes and the Science of Moral Virtue By David Boonin‐Vail, Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. 219. ISBN 0–521–46209–6. £37.50.Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes By Quentin Skinner, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. 477. ISBN 0–521–55436–5. £35.00.Being and the Between By William Desmond, State (...)
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    History of American Political Thought.John Agresto, John E. Alvis, Donald R. Brand, Paul O. Carrese, Laurence D. Cooper, Murray Dry, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Thomas S. Engeman, Christopher Flannery, Steven Forde, David Fott, David F. Forte, Matthew J. Franck, Bryan-Paul Frost, David Foster, Peter B. Josephson, Steven Kautz, John Koritansky, Peter Augustine Lawler, Howard L. Lubert, Harvey C. Mansfield, Jonathan Marks, Sean Mattie, James McClellan, Lucas E. Morel, Peter C. Meyers, Ronald J. Pestritto, Lance Robinson, Michael J. Rosano, Ralph A. Rossum, Richard S. Ruderman, Richard Samuelson, David Lewis Schaefer, Peter Schotten, Peter W. Schramm, Kimberly C. Shankman, James R. Stoner, Natalie Taylor, Aristide Tessitore, William Thomas, Daryl McGowan Tress, David Tucker, Eduardo A. Velásquez, Karl-Friedrich Walling, Bradley C. S. Watson, Melissa S. Williams, Delba Winthrop, Jean M. Yarbrough & Michael Zuckert - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    This book is a collection of secondary essays on America's most important philosophic thinkers—statesmen, judges, writers, educators, and activists—from the colonial period to the present. Each essay is a comprehensive introduction to the thought of a noted American on the fundamental meaning of the American regime.
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    The Impact of Coping Styles and Gender on Situational Coping: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study With the mHealth Application TrackYourStress.Teresa O’Rourke, Carsten Vogel, Dennis John, Rüdiger Pryss, Johannes Schobel, Fabian Haug, Julian Haug, Christoph Pieh, Urs M. Nater, Anja C. Feneberg, Manfred Reichert & Thomas Probst - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of different coping styles on situational coping in everyday life situations and gender differences. An ecological momentary assessment study with the mobile health app TrackYourStress was conducted with 113 participants. The coping styles Positive Thinking, Active Stress Coping, Social Support, Support in Faith, and Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption of the Stress and Coping Inventory were measured at baseline. Situational coping was assessed by the question “How well can you cope with (...)
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    How to go nowhere with language: Remarks on John O'Callaghan, thomist realism and the linguistic turn.John Deely - 2008 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 82 (2):337-359.
    Jacques Maritain tells us that, apart from St. Thomas himself, his “principal teacher” in Thomism was John Poinsot. Poinsot, like Maritain and Thomas, expressly teaches that the basis of “Thomist realism” lies in the distinction between sentire, which makes no use of concepts, and phantasiari and intelligere, which together depend essentially on concepts. O’Callaghan makes no discussion of this point, resting his notion of realism rather on the widespread quo/quod fallacy, that is, the misinterpretation of concepts as the id (...)
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    John Senior and the Restoration of Realism. By Francis Bethel, O.S.B.Christopher H. Owen - 2018 - International Philosophical Quarterly 58 (2):229-232.
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    Book Reviews Section 4.E. Paul Torrance, John Walton, Calvin O. Dyer, Virgil S. Ward, Weldon Beckner, Manouchehr Pedram, William M. Alexander, Herman J. Peters, James B. Macdonald, Samuel E. Kellams, Walter L. Hodges, Gary R. Mckenzie, Robert E. Jewett, Doris A. Trojcak, H. Parker Blount, George I. Brown, Lucile Lindberg, James C. Baughman, Patricia H. Dahl, S. Jay Samuels & Christopher J. Lucas - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):239-255.
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    Structure and function of the nuclear pore complex: New perspectives.Christopher M. Starr & John A. Hanover - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (7):323-330.
    The double membrane of the nuclear envelope is a formidable barrier separating the nucleus and cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. However, movement of specific macromolecules across the nuclear envelope is critical for embryonic development, cell growth and differentiation. Transfer of molecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm occurs through the aqueous channel formed by the nuclear pore complex (NPC)Abbreviations: NPC, nuclear pore complex; GlcNac, N‐acetylglucosamine; WGA, wheat germ agglutinin. Although small molecules may simply diffuse across the NPC, transport of large proteins and (...)
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    MacIntyre and the Catholic Historian.Christopher O. Blum - 2000 - Catholic Social Science Review 5:157-167.
    Alisdair Macintyre's defense of the tradition of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas offers a way to answer the question "What is the good of history?" By his use of dialectical reasoning in defense of the Thomist tradition, Macintyre helps Catholic historians to see that the good of history comes from its being a handmaiden to tradition. The writings of St. Bede the Venerable and John Henry Cardinal Newman are used as examples of how Catholic historians can know and draw (...)
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    Earth Matters.Christopher Hrynkow & Dennis O’Hara - 2012 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 22 (2):3-28.
    This article begins by unfolding Thomas Berry’s notion of Pax Gaia, using the concept as a key to unlock cogent aspects of his geobiological thought. Then, suggesting an addition to John Howard Yoder’s typologies, the authors argue that Berry’s vision of the peace of the Earth can be categorized as a “the pacifism of religious cosmology.” Berry’s cosmology of peace is then grounded with reference to concrete issues of ecojustice, with a particular focus on the interrelated concepts of “biocide” (...)
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    Ethics of HIV cure research: an unfinished agenda. [REVIEW]Jeremy Sugarman, John A. Sauceda, Brandon Brown, Parya Saberi, Mallory O. Johnson, Laney Henley, Samuel Ndukwe, Hursch Patel, Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, Danielle M. Campbell, David Palm, Orbit Clanton, David Kelly, Jan Kosmyna, Michael Louella, Laurie Sylla, Christopher Roebuck, Nora Jones, Lynda Dee, Jeff Taylor, John Kanazawa & Karine Dubé - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundThe pursuit of a cure for HIV is a high priority for researchers, funding agencies, governments and people living with HIV (PLWH). To date, over 250 biomedical studies worldwide are or have been related to discovering a safe, effective, and scalable HIV cure, most of which are early translational research and experimental medicine. As HIV cure research increases, it is critical to identify and address the ethical challenges posed by this research.MethodsWe conducted a scoping review of the growing HIV cure (...)
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    Beyond the self: virtue ethics and the problem of culture.Raymond Hain & David Solomon (eds.) - 2019 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
    W. David Solomon sits at the very center of the revival of virtue ethics. Solomon's work extended what began with the publication of G. E. M. Anscombe's "Modern Moral Philosophy" (1958) by solidifying virtue ethics as a viable approach within contemporary moral philosophy. Beyond the Self: Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Culture comprises twelve chapters: eleven that employ Solomon's work and legacy, followed by a twelfth concluding chapter by Solomon himself. Each chapter deepens and develops virtue ethics as a (...)
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    (1 other version)Objectivity, Simulation and the Unity of Consciousness: Current Issues in the Philosophy of Mind.Christopher Peacocke - 1995 - Philosophy 70 (273):469-472.
    Notes on Contributors • Preface • Christopher Peacocke, Introduction: The Issues and their Further Development I OBJECTIVE THOUGHT • John Campbell, Objects and Objectivity Commentaries • Bill Brewer, Thoughts about Objects, Places and Times • John O'Keefe, Cognitive Maps, Time and Causality II OBJECTIVITY AND THE UNITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS • Susan Hurley, Unity and Objectivity Commentaries • Anthony Marcel, What is Relevant to the Unity of Consciousness? • Michael Lockwood, Issues of Unity and Objectivity III UNDERSTANDING THE (...)
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    O tema da raiva na retórica e na ética de Aristóteles.Christopher Rowe - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 9:11-16.
    Em breve “diálogo” com dois textos do Prof. John Cooper, este artigo trata um aspecto particular da relação entre os tratamentos da “alma”, principalmente, no Livro IV da República de Platão; e por Aristóteles no De anima, na Retórica e nos tratados éticos. Para Platão, a alma humana representa a combinação de três elementos, partes ou fatores - logistikon, thumoeides, epithumêtikon -, comparáveis a um homem, um leão e um monstro e respectivamente associados a ações causadas pela razão, pelo (...)
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    Introduction: Sharing Data in a Medical Information Commons.Amy L. McGuire, Mary A. Majumder, Angela G. Villanueva, Jessica Bardill, Juli M. Bollinger, Eric Boerwinkle, Tania Bubela, Patricia A. Deverka, Barbara J. Evans, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, David Glazer, Melissa M. Goldstein, Henry T. Greely, Scott D. Kahn, Bartha M. Knoppers, Barbara A. Koenig, J. Mark Lambright, John E. Mattison, Christopher O'Donnell, Arti K. Rai, Laura L. Rodriguez, Tania Simoncelli, Sharon F. Terry, Adrian M. Thorogood, Michael S. Watson, John T. Wilbanks & Robert Cook-Deegan - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):12-20.
    Drawing on a landscape analysis of existing data-sharing initiatives, in-depth interviews with expert stakeholders, and public deliberations with community advisory panels across the U.S., we describe features of the evolving medical information commons. We identify participant-centricity and trustworthiness as the most important features of an MIC and discuss the implications for those seeking to create a sustainable, useful, and widely available collection of linked resources for research and other purposes.
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    Review of John O'Callaghan, Thomist Realism and the Linguistic Turn: Toward a More Perfect Form of Existence[REVIEW]Susan Brower-Toland - 2003 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2003 (8).
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    Evidence‐based clinical guidelines: a new system to better determine true strength of recommendation.Edward Roddy, Weiya Zhang, Michael Doherty, Nigel K. Arden, Julie Barlow, Fraser Birrell, Alison Carr, Kuntal Chakravarty, John Dickson, Elaine Hay, Gillian Hosie, Michael Hurley, Kelsey M. Jordan, Christopher McCarthy, Marion McMurdo, Simon Mockett, Sheila O’Reilly, George Peat, Adrian Pendleton & Selwyn Richards - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):347-352.
  50. Common genetic variants in the CLDN2 and PRSS1-PRSS2 loci alter risk for alcohol-related and sporadic pancreatitis.David C. Whitcomb, Jessica LaRusch, Alyssa M. Krasinskas, Lambertus Klei, Jill P. Smith, Randall E. Brand, John P. Neoptolemos, Markus M. Lerch, Matt Tector, Bimaljit S. Sandhu, Nalini M. Guda, Lidiya Orlichenko, Samer Alkaade, Stephen T. Amann, Michelle A. Anderson, John Baillie, Peter A. Banks, Darwin Conwell, Gregory A. Coté, Peter B. Cotton, James DiSario, Lindsay A. Farrer, Chris E. Forsmark, Marianne Johnstone, Timothy B. Gardner, Andres Gelrud, William Greenhalf, Jonathan L. Haines, Douglas J. Hartman, Robert A. Hawes, Christopher Lawrence, Michele Lewis, Julia Mayerle, Richard Mayeux, Nadine M. Melhem, Mary E. Money, Thiruvengadam Muniraj, Georgios I. Papachristou, Margaret A. Pericak-Vance, Joseph Romagnuolo, Gerard D. Schellenberg, Stuart Sherman, Peter Simon, Vijay P. Singh, Adam Slivka, Donna Stolz, Robert Sutton, Frank Ulrich Weiss, C. Mel Wilcox, Narcis Octavian Zarnescu, Stephen R. Wisniewski, Michael R. O'Connell, Michelle L. Kienholz, Kathryn Roeder & M. Micha Barmada - unknown
    Pancreatitis is a complex, progressively destructive inflammatory disorder. Alcohol was long thought to be the primary causative agent, but genetic contributions have been of interest since the discovery that rare PRSS1, CFTR and SPINK1 variants were associated with pancreatitis risk. We now report two associations at genome-wide significance identified and replicated at PRSS1-PRSS2 and X-linked CLDN2 through a two-stage genome-wide study. The PRSS1 variant likely affects disease susceptibility by altering expression of the primary trypsinogen gene. The CLDN2 risk allele is (...)
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